After many years, zkBox will be discontinued on June 1st, 2024.
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zkBox API

In this page is presented the interface of the zkBox server API. Below there are some general rules applicable when making API calls and then are listed all the method accepted by the server along with a short description for each. For clarity there are also examples given for each method with sample input parameters and possible returned response.

General rules

The REST endpoint of the zkBox API is located here:
This means that everywhere below in the API reference where you'll see something like:
it will actually refer to:
The web service is mainly following the REST principles, but not 100%. There are cases where you'll see that these rules are not exactly followed, sometimes for simplicity, sometimes because it wasn't possible to model that part on the REST philosophy.

Making calls

When making a call (i.e. making a POST, GET, PUT or DELETE) to a zkBox method you have to provide one of the following headers:
The "X-zkBox-Auth" header
This header should be provided if the call is not referring to a user, but if it's application specific. The header should be set at the application level because the header it's containing the signature for this specific call on behalf of the accessing application.
In this category there are only the functions from the Applications group and some from the Users group (the ones related to the authentication). All the other functions are falling into the second category, the user-specific functions and the next header should be provided.
Example: X-zkBox-Auth=0100YUJ44LK4M989O0EW20100205123129B558ED[...]

The "X-zkBox-UserAuth" header
This header should be provided for the rest of the functions that are not falling into the category above, which represents the most of the zkBox methods. The header should be provided as an HTTP header, but there is also the possibility to provide it in the "Cookie" header (to be able to send it from a browser).
This header contains the signature of the call on behalf of the user (signed on the client by the user with its session key) and the signature of the application that it's making the call on behalf of the user (signed on the server by the zkBox proxy).
Example: X-zkBox-UserAuth=N90XV5A40T33CQIG3DWJJ7X9IUK1P9CCVL6FC418[...]

When using any of the client libraries these headers are set auto-magically for you.

Receiving responses

For any call made to the server, there are always two headers returned:
The "X-zkBox-Runtime" header
This is the running time of the operation on the server.
It's represented in milliseconds and it's the time spent in the zkBox server from the moment your call hit the zkBox servers until the moment the response is sent back (so not including the network times to and from the server).
Example: X-zkBox-Runtime=147ms

The "X-zkBox-Reference" header
This header contains an identifier that it's unique for each call and can be used to diagnose and troubleshoot potential problems.
If you think that you made an API call that it's not behaving as designed, providing us with this identifier will speed up troubleshooting the potential issue.
Example: X-zkBox-Reference=ZKBOX-API-046321-LIVE-IP-1EDC86B6-025644[...]

If an operation was successfully sent and executed by the server and if there were no logical errors (e.g. you tried to delete an object by a given Id and that Id was a valid one) then you'll get a "200 OK" HTTP response header and, in the response you'll get additional data, if it was requested.
The response will include the logical error code, which in this case it will be 0; so you'll receive something like this:
Example: { error: 0, message: "Success", data: { [additional response data goes here] } }

If the operation was executed, but a logical error occurred (e.g. you tried to delete an object, but the Id doesn't exists anymore) you'll still get a "200 OK" HTTP response (yeap, not exactly following the REST guidelines here), but in the response body you'll get the logical error:
Example: { error: 104, message: "The object does not exist" }

At the moment of a call if there is any issue with the authentication (the "X-zkBox-Auth" or the "X-zkBox-UserAuth" header) you'll get a "400" HTTP error:
Example: 400 User not authenticated

If there is an issue with the parameters passed when making a call (e.g. when asking for get an object by its identifier, you're not providing an identifier which doesn't have 16 characters in length, but a different size) you'll also get a "400" HTTP error:
Example: for the request GET objects/123456789012345 you'll get the response 400 User not authenticated because the objectId provided at the moment of the call (the string "123456789012345") is not a valid identifier in zkBox (a valid identifier contains 16 characters from the following alphabet [0-9A-Z])

Get application info

Returns the details of the calling application. This method is callable by a zkBox application and not by a zkBox user.

http request

GET application/info

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
objectsCount: "43989",
usersCount: "2983"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Check user

Check if an user exists in the system.

http request

PUT user/check

login: "3EB954E6D1CBC2340631C5F48B24EF0A977CD337[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
exists: "true"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Add user

Add an user to the system.

http request

POST user

login: "3EB954E6D1CBC2340631C5F48B24EF0A977CD337[...]",
s: "7741AD53195FDE13B4B2BB11077274E4E9905F67[...]",
v: "A13A423562218889B6FFF19BA8AFCC0E5F26EECE[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the user already exists

200 OK
error: 100,
message: "The user already exists"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Authenticate an user - step 1

This is the first step for authenticating an user into the system.

http request

PUT user/auth/step1

A: "7230DF14D7E85E0CC52DCA896DC11E61648A1F96[...]",
login: "3EB954E6D1CBC2340631C5F48B24EF0A977CD337[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
uniq: "DSMEDGRE9Y6U1N3W",
s: "7741AD53195FDE13B4B2BB11077274E4E9905F67[...]",
B: "3623110F4F78918915E68D1D92DBD614860CFFB9[...]",
u: "EE37104AFA80550D65353F177296F45B3DA40FAC[...]"

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Authenticate an user - step 2

This is the second step for authenticating an user into the system.

http request

PUT user/auth/step2

uniq: "DSMEDGRE9Y6U1N3W",
login: "3EB954E6D1CBC2340631C5F48B24EF0A977CD337[...]",
m1: "693C14A26A7362C2830034D12576FE25D1A95719[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
userId: "XNQ05BGSKI8DJYZ1",
userVersion: "9U5O2TX9Z53X3UQI",
m2: "7AB0C32455DB6161AF5990EED3B238E0256A134D[...]"

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Begin updating an user

This method should be called before starting to update an user.

http request

POST user/update

s: "7741AD53195FDE13B4B2BB11077274E4E9905F67[...]",
v: "A13A423562218889B6FFF19BA8AFCC0E5F26EECE[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
newUserVersion: "S9X4430MI1UEYVYU"

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Set object

This method is part of the user updated procedure and it's storing a new version object, the one encrypted with the new encryption key.

http request

PUT user/update/S9X4430MI1UEYVYU/object/A6HNCRFZMDMMC4VW

type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Finish updating an user

This method should be called to complete an user update operation.

http request

PUT user/update/S9X4430MI1UEYVYU


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Abort updating an user

This method should be called to abort an user update operation.

http request

DELETE user/update/S9X4430MI1UEYVYU

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Logout user

Logout the calling user from the system.

http request

PUT user/logout


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Delete an user

Delete the calling user from the system.

http request


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the user does not exist

200 OK
error: 101,
message: "Invalid username or password"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Add object

This method is adding an object to the system.

http request

POST object

data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Add object with type

This method is adding to the system an object of a given type.

http request

POST object/type/notes

data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Add object in transaction

This method is adding within a transaction an object to the system.

http request

POST transaction/93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4/object

data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Add object with type in transaction

This method is adding to the system an object of a given type while running in a transaction.

http request

POST transaction/93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4/object/type/notes

data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get object

This method is retrieving an object by its identifier.

http request


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

or, if the object is missing

200 OK
error: 104,
message: "The object does not exist"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Update object

This method is updating an existing object.

http request


data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the object is missing

200 OK
error: 104,
message: "The object does not exist"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Update object in transaction

This method is updating an existing object while in a transaction.

http request

PUT transaction/93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4/object/A6HNCRFZMDMMC4VW

data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the object is missing

200 OK
error: 104,
message: "The object does not exist"

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Delete object

This method is deleting an existing object.

http request


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
type: "notes"

or, if the object is missing

200 OK
error: 104,
message: "The object does not exist"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Delete object in transaction

This method is deleting an existing object while in a transaction.

http request


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
type: "notes"

or, if the object is missing

200 OK
error: 104,
message: "The object does not exist"

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get all objects

This method is retrieving all objects belonging to the calling user.

http request

GET objects

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
objectId: "FIR8JUFUO3Q1YFSQ",
type: "account-preferences",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECAyVnMdY3JZboDpA1bLJV[...]"
objectId: "5FAUHANNFAI6NKD0",
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA3SZLu94hwHka1vdDF1C[...]"
objectId: "1F61E43WJGPQBLR2",
type: "comments",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA/PVR+J91IkmqNdHBapN[...]"
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get a list of objects by IDs

This method is retrieving a list of objects specified by their identifiers.

http request

PUT objects/list


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
objectId: "FIR8JUFUO3Q1YFSQ",
type: "account-preferences",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECAyVnMdY3JZboDpA1bLJV[...]"
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get all objects of a given type

This method is retrieving all objects of a given type.

http request

GET objects/type/notes

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
objectId: "5FAUHANNFAI6NKD0",
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA3SZLu94hwHka1vdDF1C[...]"
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get all objects IDs

This method is retrieving the identifiers of all the objects belonging to the calling user.

http request

GET objects/ids

http response

200 OK
error: 0,


or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Get all objects ids by a given type

This method is retrieving the identifiers of all the objects of a given type belonging to the calling user.

http request

GET objects/ids/type/notes

http response

200 OK
error: 0,


or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Begin a new transaction

This method is starting a new transaction.

http request

POST transaction


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
transactionId: "93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4"

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Commit transaction

This method is committing and existing transaction.

http request

PUT transaction/93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Rollback transaction

This method is aborting an existing transaction.

http request

DELETE transaction/93VBBRTOK5DR1ZR4

http response

200 OK
error: 0,
data: {}

or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error

Execute a batch operation

This method is executing multiple operations in a batch.

http request

PUT batch

transactionId: "null",
stopOnFirstError: "true",
atStartBeginTransaction: "true",
atEndCommitTransaction: "true",
onErrorRollbackTransaction: "true",
operation: "UpdateObject",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA7VOPk63Te+RMnHu8Baf[...]"
operation: "AddObject",
type: "notes",
data: "U2FsdGVkX18EBQYHAAECA25T/nbc2dkWGNSYlGmN[...]"


http response

200 OK
error: 0,
error: 0
data: {}
error: 0
objectId: "8L7ICQS3E8JQNR69"


or, if the transaction is not valid

200 OK
error: 150,
message: "Invalid transaction id"

or, if the input parameters are invalid

400 Invalid arguments

or, if there is an authentication error

400 Not authenticated

or, if there is an internal error

500 Internal server error